15 Signs That You May Be In Love With Mr Wrong
Differences Between Men And Women. Are We Really From Different Planets?
Reasons To Keep Your Distance From A "Momma's Boy"
Searching For A Soul Mate
Things To Look For In A First Date
Siddharta Gautama was born in Northern India as a prince. He decided one day to renounce his life of richness and pleasure. He resolved to sit under a Bodhi tree, meditate and endeavour to find enlightment.He attained nirvana, lost all attachment to worldly conditions and became the Buddha.
Welcome to my blog!
Hello! My name is Paula and I love to write. I have an affinity for words and I want to tell tales about life and share experiences. I now have my very own canvas. I’m so excited! I have wanted to be an author since I was a child. I graduated from the Morris Journalism Academy in 2007. It’s funny how sometimes your passions are put on the back burner, while life goes on. You have probably heard the line “Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans”, (is it from a song? Not sure). I am blessed with the gifts of time and space now, and here I am doing what I love.Check out some of my articles.. Happy reading!
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